Monday, January 28, 2019


Rating: 5/5 stars

I forgot how much of this book was not the tri-wizard tournament. It plays such a crucial role that I thought it was basically the whole book, but really it’s just three chapters. And the first task doesn’t even start until a third of the way into the story.

I did feel like the story was much more drawn out than in past books (I mean look at the size of this tome) and had lots of details and scenes added for fun that didn’t really pertain to the story, but I didn’t mind. I don’t think the story ever felt slow-moving, but instead, the extra details just made it more fun and enjoyable to read.

I think it’s interesting that the crux of the story of Harry Potter doesn’t really start until the very end of this book or even not until book five. The first four books kind of stand on their own and each has a mostly self-contained story. There are, of course, small pieces that carry over (like the two horcruxes being destroyed in the first two books, but even then we didn’t know what they were), but overall there’s not the overarching feel of a fluid story.

I am very much looking forward to starting The Order of the Phoenix to really start reading about the heart of the story. As much as I enjoyed rereading The Goblet of Fire, especially since there were so many details I had forgotten, I’ve been most excited during this rereading process to read books five, six, and seven. I really feel like the most plot development and life-altering decisions happen during those three books, plus that’s when most of the long-awaited and important details are revealed.

This is kind of a pointless and short review, but it reminded me how much I do love the Harry Potter books.

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